March 4, 2021
In his latest blog, Chevy Thomason continues his discussion on breaking the legacy oil & gas software stranglehold and bringing your upstream workflows together on the cloud. Plus a checklist to guide your next steps...
Novus Consulting has teamed with W Energy Software to talk candidly about the lack of innovation in the back office, and why old legacy technology is holding upstream companies back – just as much as an entrenched mindset and culture of doing things the way they have always been done. Some leading organizations are afraid of making the change that will ultimately allow them to operate more efficiently, build business resilience, and unleash the potential of their workforce, by eliminating the data and cultural ‘silos’ that are holding them back. They are choosing instead to maintain the status quo, and kick the can down the road exposing them to the risk of being at the mercy of market fluctuations, and of being out-performed by their peers who have modernized their accounting, land, and production systems. In this blog series, Chevy Thomason, a founding partner at Novus Consulting, discusses how to navigate and close the widening technology chasm with unified upstream solutions built on the cloud, and even more importantly how to navigate change, and create a data-driven culture that will increase business performance, unlock agility, and save your team millions.
For the full blog, click here.